There are many occult sciences that are popular among the masses since ancient times and without a shadow of a doubt, Astrology and Numerology top the chart! This is simply because of their efficacy in helping people steer their lives away from hurdles & towards a smooth & considerable successful life.

Astrology deals with the effects of planets & stars on various domains of a person’s life  based on their positioning in the horoscope of that person & their movements in the Zodiac Belt. On the other hand, Numerology deals with the effects of numbers on a person.

From a layman’s perspective, Astrology and Numerology would appear to be totally different, however, there are many things which are in some way- conceptually linked e.g. just like there are planets in Astrology, numbers in Numerology represent specific planets.

In Numerology, each number is assigned a unique meaning and significance based on its vibrational frequency. Numbers as per their relationship with an individual, reveal highly useful information about that individual’s nature, personality and life’s path.

As per the principles of Astrology, planets & stars are the celestial entities that cast phenomenal effects on human beings and literally shape up different domains of their lives such as- education, career, relationship/marriage, health, travel etc. It is the job of an Astrologer to analyze the positions of planets in the horoscope of a person and decipher the planetary effects on different aspects of that person’s life.

If one looks closely then there is indeed a very strong connection between Astrology and Numerology. As mentioned above, different numbers in Numerology are linked or associated with different planets and all the numerological applications and remedies are based on the specific planetary significations that numbers carry.

Let us now discuss what each number in Numerology represents and what they say about a person, especially his/her life path. Furthermore we will delve deeper into understanding that Numerology & Astrology are two occult sciences that are complementary to each other.

Understanding Numerology and Its Numbers

Explanation of the Origins of Numerology

The prevalence & practice of the occult science of Numerology can be found in multiple faith & cultures across the world with their origins right from the ancient times. There is ample evidence of Numerology being practiced in the Hindu faith (where it originated) for thousands of years. There is also evidence of practicing Numerology in the civilizations & cultures belonging to China and Greece as well.

The Significance of Each Number in Numerology

In Numerology, each number is assigned a unique meaning and significance based on its vibrational frequency. The following is a brief overview of the significance of each number in Numerology:

Number 1

Number 1 is linked with planet  Sun and signifies name & fame, power, position, leadership and a strong-willed attitude. It represents new beginnings, creativity, and innovation.

Number 2

Number 2 is linked with planet Moon and signifies emotions, mind and sensitivity. It represents partnerships, relationships, and diplomacy.

Number 3

Number 3 is linked with Jupiter and signifies moral values, traditions, honesty, wisdom and spirituality.

Number 4

Number 4 is linked with Rahu or the North Node of the Moon and signifies unproductive travels, bickering and over expenditure.

Number 5

Number 5 is linked with planet Mercury and signifies flow of money, financial independence and fast decision making. It represents versatility, adaptability, and progress.

Number 6

Number 6 is linked with planet Venus and signifies luxuries, relationship, love and a royal attitude. It represents responsibility, nurturing, and family.

Number 7

Number 7 is linked with planet Ketu or the South Node of the Moon and signifies fortune, favourable travels, intuition and a seeking attitude. It represents wisdom, inner-knowing, and self-awareness.

Number 8

Number 8 is linked with planet Saturn and signifies struggles, obstacles, insults, hard work, sudden gains/losses and inheritance.

Number 9

The number 9 is associated with humanitarianism, compassion, and spirituality. It represents universal love, service, and selflessness.

Master Numbers 11, 22, and 33

In Numerology, the numbers 11, 22, and 33 are considered master numbers. They are associated with heightened spiritual awareness and have a more powerful energy than other numbers.

Master Number 11 signifies higher senses, intuitiveness and a strong inclination towards spirituality.  A person having a Master Number 11 connects very quickly to the spiritual realms and can easily grasp the wisdom that flows from such divine realms.

Master Number 22 is associated with practicality, mastery, and achievement. It represents the ability to manifest one’s dreams and bring them into reality.

Master Number 33 is associated with compassion, selflessness, and healing. A person having a Master Number 33 works to bring great changes in the society & world at large.

The Connection Between Numerology and Astrology

Explanation of the Connection

While Numerology and Astrology are distinct practices, they share a deep connection that has been recognized for centuries. Both of the occult sciences compliment each other by having a strong planet-number relationship. Astrology uses planetary analysis via the horoscope of an individual to decipher the course of future events whereas, Numerology employs numbers “along with” their identification & signification with specific planets to decode an individual’s nature, personality and life’s path.

Just as Astrology reveals how different planets as per their placement in the horoscope are charting the course of various aspects of one’s life, Numerology uncovers the effects that certain numbers as per the date of birth (to say the least) of an individual, are casting upon that individual with respect to education, finance, health, nature, relationships, profession etc.

In order to achieve the best results or in other words- to clock-in maximum accuracy while predicting a person’s future, an occult professional is advised to incorporate both Astrology as well as Numerology in his/her analysis.

How Numerology and Astrology Work Together?

The occult sciences of Astrology and Numerology have various applications that can be clubbed together to derive predictions that are the most close to accuracy. Let us look at a few of those applications.

Calculating Life Path Number Using Birth Chart

In Numerology, the life path number is calculated based on a person’s date of birth. The horoscope of a person is a comic map that gets formed at the time of the person’s birth and has the positions of celestial bodies (planets & stars) in the Zodiac Belt at that time. If we do a combined analysis of these two, we could decipher the expected & alterable course of a person’s life to a significant degree of precision & accuracy.

Read Also: – Know the Characteristics & Personality Traits of a Professional Astrologer

Using Numerology to Interpret Astrological Aspects

Astrology is a complex practice that involves interpreting the relationships between the positions of celestial bodies at the time of a person’s birth. Numerology can be used to provide additional insight into these relationships by interpreting the significance of each number and its relationship to other numbers. This can provide a more nuanced understanding of the astrological aspects and their influence on an individual’s life path.

Incorporating Astrological Cycles into Numerology Readings

Astrological cycles, such as the movement of the planets and stars, can have a significant influence on an individual’s life path. Numerology readings can be enhanced by incorporating these cycles into the interpretation of the numbers. For example, the significance of a particular number may be heightened during a particular astrological cycle, providing additional insight into the individual’s life path during that time.

By combining the insights gained through Numerology and Astrology, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their life path and the influences that shape it. This can provide guidance and direction for important life decisions and help individuals to achieve their full potential.

The Role of Numerology and Astrology in Daily Life

A. Importance of Numerology and Astrology in Daily Life

Numerology and Astrology can play a significant role in daily life by providing individuals with insights into their personality, strengths, weaknesses, and future prospects. By understanding these factors, individuals can make better decisions, set appropriate goals, and achieve success in their personal and professional lives.

In addition, Numerology and Astrology can also provide guidance during times of uncertainty or difficulty. By consulting with a numerologist or astrologer, individuals can gain clarity on important decisions, find solutions to problems, and navigate challenging times with confidence.

Examples of Using Numerology and Astrology in Daily Life

There are many ways that Numerology and Astrology can be incorporated into daily life. Some examples include:

Personal Relationships

Numerology and Astrology can be used to gain insights into personal relationships. By understanding the personality traits and tendencies of individuals, it can be easier to navigate conflicts, communicate effectively, and build stronger relationships.

Career and Finance

Numerology and Astrology can also be used to gain insights into career and finance. By understanding one’s strengths, weaknesses, and future prospects, individuals can make informed decisions about their career path, negotiate better salaries, and make sound financial investments.

Health and Wellness

Numerology and Astrology can also be used to gain insights into health and wellness. By understanding the unique needs and tendencies of one’s body and mind, individuals can make better decisions about diet, exercise, and self-care practices.

Incorporating Numerology and Astrology into Daily Life

In order to incorporate Numerology and Astrology into daily life, individuals can:

Consult with a Numerologist or Astrologer

Consulting with a numerologist or astrologer can provide valuable insights into one’s personality, life path, and future prospects. This can help individuals to make informed decisions and navigate challenging times with confidence.

Learn the Basics of Numerology and Astrology

By learning the basics of Numerology and Astrology, individuals can gain a better understanding of how these practices work and how they can be applied to daily life. This can be done through online courses, books, or workshops.

Keep a Numerology or Astrology Journal

Keeping a journal that tracks important Numerology or Astrology insights can be a helpful way to stay engaged with these practices on a daily basis. This can also provide a record of personal growth and progress over time.

By incorporating Numerology and Astrology into daily life, individuals can gain valuable insights into their personality, life path, and future prospects. This can help them to make informed decisions, achieve success, and live a fulfilling life.


In conclusion, Numerology and Astrology are two ancient practices that have been used for centuries to gain insights into the human experience. Numerology uses numbers to reveal personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses, while Astrology uses the positions of celestial bodies to predict future events and gain insights into personality and relationships.

Both these amazing occult sciences can and in fact, should be used in conjunction to maximize the accuracy in predictions.

It would be prudent on one’s part to contact “Indian Astrology” and book a consultation based on Astrology & Numerology to get highly useful occult advice & insights that would make it easier to maneuver through life with a fair amount of smoothness and realize your goals and desires with ease.

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